On 21st March, Nemesis Market was seized by German, American and Lithuanian law enforcement and $100,000 in cryptocurrencies were confiscated. Law enforcement claim the market's infrastructure was hosted in Germany and Lithuania.
About Nemesis
Nemesis Market was launched in 2021 and had over 150,000 users and 1,100 vendors. According to law enforcement, 20% of Nemesis's users were German.

Nemesis was known for it's unique captcha:

Before Seizure
On 20th March, one day before the seizure, Nemesis's administrator created a new account on Dread and warned users that the market had been seized. Shortly after appearing, he deleted most of his posts.
Nemesis market got seized by one of the law enforcement in europe
Please clean your house, they have access to all your info in the past two months
I will update you guys soon
Nemesis will be back soon
Block 835,572
Hash = 00000000000000000001d47bb253f3fed3175187cd8d918fb91f73947e0c0f42
Read the signed post here.
After Seizure
On 21st March, an animated seizure banner appeared on the market and a press release was published.

Nemesis's administrator didn't like the animation:

DrugHub by WHM: