Kingdom Market Seized and Slovakian Administrator Arrested
Published by Ethan on Sat, Mar 2, 2024 | Tagged Arrest, Darknet Market | 54 Comments

On 15th December, Kingdom Market's administrator was arrested. One day later, it was seized by German (BKA) law enforcement. These are the events that occurred before and after it's seizure.

Law enforcement's redesign of Kingdom's logo

About Kingdom

Kingdom Market was launched in March 2021 and had over 42,000 listings. Kingdom had it's fair share of issues like any other darknet market, but because of the administrators nationality coming to light, a specific controversy sticks out.

A few large vendors on Dread accused the market itself of scamming them. They claimed a buyer would make a large order, upwards of $200,000, of drugs. The buyer would then dispute the order, and even when the vendor provided proof the order was shipped, the market would side with the buyer. Causing the vendor to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. Coincidentally, some of these buyers asked their order to be shipped to Slovakia.

Law enforcement claim they have been investigating Kingdom since May 2022.

Before Seizure

On 15th December, the day it's administrator was arrested, reports of problems logging in started to arise on Kingdom's subdread. Two of the administrators, responded to these posts:

Both responses indicated that Kingdom's staff were unsure of what's going on. One user commented "I would be more concerned that the Drives (servers) are being Imaged right now".

On 18th December, one of the administrator of Dread, warned users that "Kingdom Market has likely been seized by law enforcement". This was posted before law enforcement had announced Kingdom's seizure. The post:

Dread staff has received information from a trusted party that multiple individuals, which had sufficient server access to Kingdom's infrastructure, have been arrested by law enforcement with their systems seized. We do not know, and probably won't ever know, the extent of the compromise. It is a shame, but with the current information provided, the chances of Kingdom market returning is from being down is basically zero.

Read the full post here.

The lack of seizure banner and official announcement caused some users to believe that Kingdom had exit scammed under the guise of of a seizure. Some users still remained skeptical even after a seizure banner was placed on Kingdom's main links, because the link to the press release returned a 404 error. Eventually law enforcement fixed the press release link.

After Seizure

3 days after Kingdom's seizure, presumably law enforcement, tautened Kingdom users on Dread. In a post titled "Announcement to the residents of the kingdom" by /u/FallenKingdom, that was signed by the market's key:

Dread users were quick to insult law enforcement. The top reply was from /u/metalgeardonkey,'s biggest supporter, who commented:

5 days after Kingdom's seizure, the "Support Admin", /u/OhLongJohnson posted a update on Dread. In a signed post titled "Words from OhLongJohnson, KM gone forever". Here are key quotes from his post:

I regret to tell you that admin`s gone, market gone, seized.
I am okay for now, hopefully this will stay as it is now.
Sorry the Kingdom disappointed you, sorry you lost money while the market was took down. At least wallets were at the different place than servers.
Unfortunately I am not able to tell you any details regarding how was our market set up as I was not in developing the whole market, the old one or new one. I was only communicating with others regarding opsec findings and so. I can say wallets were located in a different place at least it should be due to the security reasons.

Read the full post here.

Interestingly, after apologizing for any lost money, he repeats that he believes the market's wallets were not seized.

Administrator's Arrest

On 15th December, US law enforcement arrested Alan Bill, alias “Vend0r” or “KingdomOfficial,” who was suspected of being the Kingdom Market’s administrator. Bill is a Slovakian national residing in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Below are Bill's OpSec mistakes that led to his arrest and seizure of Kingdom:


If Bill was the only person that had access to the Dread account /u/kingdommarketofficial, law enforcement can be seen reassuring users that Kingdom will be back after it's administrators arrest:

Though it's more likely multiple staff members had access to the account.

Law enforcement claim they are still looking for other Kingdom staff.

Criminal Complaint

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Sat, Mar 2, 2024

Kingdom's seizure has been covered by other news sources, but I didn't find any articles that covered the events before and after the seizure

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Sat, Mar 2, 2024

That list of opsec mistakes is mind boggling. So many of these admins don't value their freedom.

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Sat, Mar 2, 2024

Everyone takes freedom for granted.

A Vendor from a Market
Sun, Mar 3, 2024

You think they think in a 5,000 ft overview but reality, like much of life, is thought of from Paycheck to Paycheck, task to task, very short term. However, ANYONE USING AN IPHONE TO BREAK THE LAW IS A FUCKING IDIOT. Make sure whatever you do is not being backed up to the Cloud. Also, don't talk about ILLEGAL SHIT ON REDDIT!!!!! WTF, that's the dumbest thing he did. I guess the list is long of dumb shit he did....... DARWINISM always wins. Too stupid to thrive.

Mon, Mar 4, 2024

fucking retarded batshit mate. roflmao

Sat, Mar 2, 2024

Excellent article, really grinds my gears about the LE taunting of users, that's real unprofessional, lets be honest here. Fuck law enforcement bunch of grade z schucks. I wish I could round them all up and poop in their mouths! Watch them gag it all downn with my piss!

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Sat, Mar 2, 2024

If you wanna see me poop and piss in the mouths of REAL POLICE, I promise to send a custom video to any loyal backer. Here is my XMR gofundme fund: 84pZ5JKJSR9dUHDbTv6BSLcikdemFtLgsXGH51Ncrh4diFqbPpc6e7UT6APpEv2bxFMRQ16osWCCwUzT9aJoRdcj7eNH9Su

George W Bush
Sun, Mar 3, 2024

It's LAW ENFORCEMENT. People too stupid to start their own businesses, be their own people. Many Ex Military, who don't even take a shit unless it its "Latrine Time!" So, what do you expect? The War on Drugs is a fake war, it's sole purpose is to fill the For Profit Prison System. The CIA sold Millions and Millions worth of Cocaine to fund the Nicaraguan Contras and started the Crack Epidemic in the early 80s, and here we are now. It's the Government that started the Drug Epidemic and now they profit off it in trying to stop it.

George W Bush
Sun, Mar 3, 2024

It's LAW ENFORCEMENT. People too stupid to start their own businesses, be their own people. Many Ex Military, who don't even take a shit unless it its "Latrine Time!" So, what do you expect? The War on Drugs is a fake war, it's sole purpose is to fill the For Profit Prison System. The CIA sold Millions and Millions worth of Cocaine to fund the Nicaraguan Contras and started the Crack Epidemic in the early 80s, and here we are now. It's the Government that started the Drug Epidemic and now they profit off it in trying to stop it.

Alan Bill
Sat, Mar 2, 2024

fake news. i run away with money

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Sat, Mar 2, 2024

Nuh Uh

Sat, Mar 2, 2024


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Sat, Mar 2, 2024

how is /u/metalgeardonkey the biggest supporter of did they pay you for getting mentioned in a blog post or did they threaten you with doxxing sensible information otherwise?

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Mon, Mar 4, 2024


Sat, Mar 2, 2024

what the fuck. another nigger running a market gets caught. LE 6 Nigger admins getting caught: 10

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Sun, Mar 3, 2024

2 years old marketplace w/ an OpSec like this, LE needs a complete team to takedown a marketplace SO FUNNY

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Sun, Mar 3, 2024

Send 10 dollars to this XMR address:


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Yo Daddy
Sun, Mar 3, 2024

Kingdom was always sus

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Mon, Mar 4, 2024

fuck that stupidass nigga, he deserved to get caught with that kind of opsec.

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Mon, Mar 4, 2024

It's okay, you can say the hard R here, just look at my alias.

Mon, Mar 4, 2024

tune into my stream guys

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Mon, Mar 4, 2024

greed makes you dumb

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Mon, Mar 4, 2024

guys, is puff daddy really gay?

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Mon, Mar 4, 2024

ask meek mill, niggers love poking eachother. look at US prisons.... full of niggers sticking eachother in the poop chutes

Tue, Mar 5, 2024

we wuz kings... RIP Kingdom

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Tue, Mar 5, 2024

04:57:43 PM) Right now, there aren't clear front runners in terms of largest market. I think AB obviously has the edge, but no where near the usual hold on the markets that some past markets have had. Everything is quite well distributed right now and many would have took Dread's downtime to their advantage in doing so

(04:57:58 PM) I'm sure there will be at least 2 exits just by nature

(04:58:07 PM) someone: kilo's would be big

(04:58:16 PM) But I think this year we're in for some busts based on info I've received recently

(04:58:39 PM) Everything is very fractured right now


(05:06:57 PM) someone: if not L.e

(05:07:02 PM) This is the original attacker who hit Dream

(05:07:15 PM) All other attackers were copycats

(05:07:25 PM) His attack is the only one to ever run completely on the Tor layer

(05:07:36 PM) That is why it is so scalable and end game has no effect on it

(05:08:12 PM) We outscaled it still, but once you're at such large scale, scaling servers no longer benefits you. We hit a bottle neck we have never reached before with the introduction points which is impossible to bypass

(05:08:28 PM) Not even the attacker was aware of this bottle neck, but no attack has ever scaled this far

(05:08:44 PM) So this bottle neck has worked completely in his favor, otherwise it would have still been outscaled

(05:09:19 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:09:38 PM) Yeah there's is literally NOTHING we can do about it now without PoW

(05:09:44 PM) someone: it's going to be cool to see yall's anwser to it tho

(05:10:12 PM) The only bypass is descriptor spamming which can give an edge on the intro point allocation before his attack receives the new descriptors. Its still possible to take it down though as saw with AB.

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Tue, Mar 5, 2024

(05:10:15 PM) someone: the shit we live to see around here . innovation

(05:10:19 PM) Descriptor spam is going to get you identified though

(05:10:25 PM) someone: yeah Ab is down

(05:10:29 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:10:46 PM) Yeah my solution is a work around, but should make the attacks so ineffective to disrupt a service, that hopefully he will give up spending money on servers

(05:11:29 PM) This is just going to be a big dick play at making the attack seem useless because there is still enough traffic being distributed

(05:11:42 PM) someone: so he is over coming Ab style of brute forcing the descriptors 

(05:11:55 PM) Yeah at enough scale he's able to take them down again now

(05:12:08 PM) ASAP and Incognito started doing the same but also able to down them again now

(05:12:30 PM) Wouldn't be surprized if these markets deanoned themselves by doing this though

(05:13:13 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:14:10 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:14:27 PM) someone: limited on choices

(05:15:03 PM) Hosting location doesn't really matter in all honesty, you have to already assume that your servers can be identified and can be taken down regardless

(05:15:24 PM) someone: Yeah .. but who do you want taking them down

(05:15:39 PM) We hosted in the USA right under their noses for a while, who would expect that?

(05:15:58 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:16:07 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:16:24 PM) We did and only moved because of better server optio

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Tue, Mar 5, 2024

05:16:36 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:16:44 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:16:58 PM) If it was to be seized anywhere, I'd prefer it to be the US, can you imagine the headlines when they find it was right under their noses the whole time?

(05:17:12 PM) Because no matter where it gets seized, you can bet the US is getting hold of the data

(05:17:24 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(05:17:31 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

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Tue, Mar 5, 2024

(04:04:51 PM) Just wanted to check if [REMOVED]

(04:05:14 PM) Got some guy replying with a US address saying its Paris' home address and shit, [REMOVED] lmao

(06:44:20 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(06:44:30 PM) someone: [REMOVED]

(06:44:36 PM) someone: no reason to fuck or stir up shit

(06:44:55 PM) Ok just checking lmao

(06:45:05 PM) Some really random shit being posted

(06:49:12 PM) someone: hey i understand

(06:49:51 PM) someone: Ab canary still hasnt changed

(06:50:04 PM) someone: hopefully the market doesnt go into lock down

(06:51:02 PM) It probably won't, my theory is that is a manual process honestly

(06:51:28 PM) His whole presense on the DN was fraud an exit scam is probably a high possibility

(06:52:30 PM) Just like when market withdrawals aren't working now and again, de-sensitize users to the problems so they brush it off as a common occurrence that will be resolved soon, make the exit scam a whole lot more damaging

(06:52:40 PM) Everyone expects that safety net of it going into lockdown now

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Tue, Mar 5, 2024

(03:53:28 AM) someone:

(03:53:44 AM) someone: DeSnake made the list , with elon and xi ping , gru

(03:53:53 AM) someone: you just cant buy this kinda press.

(05:15:50 AM) Wow that's pretty pathetic

(05:16:04 AM) Crazy over stating of what he's actually done

(05:16:15 AM) Lmao this is like satire

(05:19:04 AM) someone: right, but none the less its amazing press.

(05:19:14 AM) Oh yeah it definitely is

(05:19:17 AM) He'll have loved that

(05:19:29 AM) Doesn't deserve it however

(05:21:47 AM) someone: Do you think the hype from the media is driving the sales

(05:22:00 AM) It definitely has had an effect

(05:22:24 AM) The only credit I can give is that he has managed to be the most available market under the current climate, which has been the main driver of growth of course

(05:22:42 AM) To what extent that is of his own doing, is up for debate though

(05:24:24 AM) someone: well the story of coming back from the dead is ghood press as well, i think if he keeps it going for 3 more years it will be the biggest ever

(05:30:59 AM) I don't think he'll see out this year

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Wed, Mar 6, 2024


Thu, Mar 7, 2024

kinda smells like chat gpt. any more info on that would taste goood.

Wed, Mar 6, 2024


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Wed, Mar 6, 2024

Incognito market is exit scamming

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Wed, Mar 6, 2024

What makes you say this? I've been with drawing my Crypto almost daily, with no issues. If they were exiting, wouldn't they be keeping the Vendors Coin?

Fri, Mar 8, 2024

They did keep the money

Wed, Mar 6, 2024

incognito exit scamming. look it up on tor taxi, dark fail etc...

the bribe they tried to pay the dread-guy... looks like the admin of this site took it. weird. not a single story about the biggest thing happening in the darknet

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Thu, Mar 7, 2024


i hate niggers
Thu, Mar 7, 2024

fucking niggers...... down $990 on bohemia and now $267 here....

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Thu, Mar 7, 2024

on incognito i mean. dont know why theres no post on that.

Tue, Mar 12, 2024

Why would you have 1000 dollars on a sketchy ass website lol

absolute filth
Fri, Mar 8, 2024

always these slavs

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Slava Rossii
Tue, Mar 12, 2024

This is nigger shit, anyone using iPhone to do crime is retarded, Whatsapp? iCloud? Google? Come on, no separation of private and business life, €189,000 of unexplained money, even in balkans or slav countries this is suspicious, learn basic opsec niggers. This is laughable, how did LE not fuck these kids within a month of starting

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Slava Rossii
Tue, Mar 12, 2024


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Tue, Mar 12, 2024

How come these dumb nigger faggots get away with this opsec for 2 years? Braindead sped apes. €189,000 unexplained money even in balkan or slav country is suspicious. Man Google? iCloud? Whatsapp? What are these nigger moves, learn opsec. Crime on iPhone, no separation.

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Slava Rossii
Tue, Mar 12, 2024

Why are my messages not sending, I want to roast retard on using iphone whatsapp and icloud for crime...

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Wed, Mar 13, 2024


Despicable racism?

Shame on you!!!

Oh we're so open minded, drug liberation etc...

Racist as fuck!!!

Disgusting behavior!!!

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Wed, Mar 13, 2024

The markets used to have a comradery.

We despise the war on drugs.

What has become of this community....Very sad.

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Tue, Mar 19, 2024

i miss when the darknet had that "spooky" aspect from the outside look that made people stay away from it

Wed, Mar 20, 2024

An article about the recent Nemesis market issue is needed. Market has been sized.

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Sat, May 11, 2024

Night Crows: Which Class Is Your Best Choice For PVE Farming?

Embark on your journey into the mystical kingdom of Night Crows, where powerful magic and untold adventures await. As you step into this enigmatic realm, one of the first decisions you'll face is choosing a class for your character. In Night Crows, classes are the cornerstone of your character's identity and playstyle, determining your abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. With four base classes and a variety of weapon options, selecting the right class is crucial for success in PVE farming. Let's delve into each class and analyze their gameplay, pros, and cons to help you make an informed decision.


The Warrior class epitomizes sheer strength and relentless damage output. With two distinct weapon options—Two-handed Sword and Spear—Warriors can adapt their playstyle to suit different scenarios. The Two-handed Sword excels in delivering devastating single-target blows, making it ideal for focused engagements and PvP encounters. Its high damage potential allows Warriors to dispatch foes swiftly, earning valuable resources in the process. However, its lack of defensive capabilities requires vigilant positioning to avoid being overwhelmed by enemies.

On the other hand, the Spear offers a more strategic approach, leveraging crowd-control abilities to manipulate and incapacitate adversaries. In PVE scenarios, Spears shine brightly, particularly in group settings, where their ability to control enemy movements proves invaluable. By corralling foes and creating openings for allies, Spear-wielding Warriors contribute significantly to the team's success, making them a popular choice for cooperative farming expeditions.


Swordmen epitomize versatility, offering two distinct playstyles with their weapon choices: Sword and Shield or Twin Sword. The Sword and Shield configuration caters to a defensive, tank-oriented role, capable of absorbing damage and protecting allies. While this defensive prowess may seem less conducive to rapid farming, Sword and Shield Swordmen shine in group content, where their ability to mitigate damage and support teammates becomes indispensable.

Conversely, Twin Sword Swordmen adopt a more aggressive stance, focusing on offense and sustain. With the unique leech skill at their disposal, Twin Sword wielders can maintain their health pool even amidst intense combat, ensuring sustained uptime and efficiency during farming runs. Their prowess in swiftly dispatching enemies, coupled with the ability to remove buffs and restore health, makes them formidable adversaries in PVE encounters.


As masters of flexibility and utility, Hunters offer unparalleled support options with their choice of weapons: Bow or Dagger. The Bow provides a long-range, precision-based playstyle, enabling Hunters to pick off enemies from a safe distance while applying debilitating debuffs. This ranged prowess makes Bow-wielding Hunters invaluable assets in PVE farming, where efficiency and safety are paramount.

Conversely, the Dagger offers a close-quarters, critical strike-centric approach, emphasizing burst damage and debilitation effects. While Dagger-wielding Hunters excel in swiftly dispatching foes with critical blows and status ailments, they must exercise caution due to their lower health pool. Nonetheless, their ability to silence and bind enemies makes them formidable adversaries, particularly in coordinated farming parties.

The best platform to Buy Night Crows Diamonds, is most recommended.

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Sat, May 11, 2024


by /u/skybeatsnoob • 1 week ago in /d/ukfraud

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Tue, Sep 17, 2024

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Wed, Nov 6, 2024

Damn, this is what our tax dollars go to?

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