Is Dread Administrator, HugBunter, Scamming Vendors as Ghost
Published by Ethan on Fri, Dec 6, 2024 | Tagged Dread, Forum, Vendor | 174 Comments

On 10th October 2023, darknet market vendor, WinstonWolf, posted on Dread explaining how he seemingly had been scammed by HugBunter. The post went over how HugBunter offered to create him a private vendor shop, under the alias /u/Ghost, and vanished. This would be the start of a year long controversy.

HugBunter is the creator of Dread forum. He's a prominent figure in the darknet, along with his co-administrator /u/Paris. He previously operated private vendor stores in the past but stopped doing so years ago.

Private vendor stores are sites that act similarly to markets but instead only have listings for one vendor.

This article will break down how HugBunter used the alias Ghost to sell around $300,000 worth of stores, then abruptly shut them down without refunding the vendors:

  1. Confirming HugBunter is Ghost
  2. Vendors and Funds Affected
  3. Censorship of the Situation

Confirming HugBunter is Ghost

Who is Ghost?

On 23rd July 2023, the user /u/Ghost first created a post titled "Ghost Commerce: Private Vendor Stores - Start selling your goods on your own onion", offering private vendor stores. The first paragraph of the post:

Now that our demo is live, the time has come to offer our Private Vendor Store service publicly. The demo is currently in the testing stage to outline remaining bugs and establish anything further we need to accomodate for Vendors who are already on-boarded. We are beginning the process of deploying live sites and currently have a waiting list for taking on any new clients. Our stores have been tested and verified to be allowed to promote on Dread by the Dread staff.

Although this was Ghost's first post on Dread, the stores were "tested and verified to be allowed to promote on Dread by the Dread staff", and were advertised as being "the only stores approved by Dread staff". This is strange considering Ghost's non existent activity on the forum. Though, it's entirely possible, and later clarified by HugBunter, that Ghost is an alternative account for a well known member on the forum. What HugBunter left out was, Ghost is his account.

HugBunter is Ghost

In the original post that kickstarted this controversy, titled "This is Weird", well known vendor WinstonWolf makes it clear HugBunter was the user selling and providing the stores, and that he was asked to use /d/Ghost as a point of contact for anything related to the stores. Quotes from the, now deleted, post:

HugBunter messaged me over a month ago offering "limited spots for private vendor sites". He said he was reaching out to me for one of the coveted spots because I had a good long history here.
HugBunter asked that I keep his name from my announcements, and instead /d/ghost would be my point of contact. He wanted $10k to get the site up and running.
If this had been anyone but the legendary HugBunter, I would have ignored the message likely, Still, I asked that he send me a PGP signed message to confirm his identity, which he did and I confirmed the message. So I sent $2k to reserve my place, and intended to pay the rest within a week. He said that I would recieive a couple thousand dollars in Dread ads also, if I paid.
Read the full post.

The stores came with thousands of dollars worth of Dread ads, listing on Daunt and were advertised as "the only stores approved by Dread staff".

This section of the article should end here, as it's clear HugBunter is Ghost. Though, since HugBunter has denied being Ghost. This part of the article will continue.

HugBunter claims Ghost is not his alias:

Not my alias, I sold shops in the past and it was a mistake that brought great risk to myself and Dread, not making that mistake again and to associate me with these is dangerous.
I do not have time to be fucking about with vendor shops, its another reason I stopped doing so many years ago.
Not be behind the Ghost stores either, I gave my recommendation based on it being a respected member of the community, no conspiracy needed.
More quotes by HugBunter.
WinstonWolf has since said that was in error, because it wasn't me who asked that, I hadn't even been in communication with him at that time. He was just mistaken from the referral.
The reason for my reputation is due to quite the opposite, I have no interest in anyone's money. Dread only required limited monetization when it became clear it grew beyond what I could sustain myself, additional monetization was only realized when DoS attacks made it unviable, right now we still only make the bare minimum to pay staff... I've never pushed montization and we could have easily been charging fees to markets for everything provided to them.

Considering I've always turned down bug bounties and didn't touch the millions sat in market wallets when I hacked them, should tell you enough about my personal ethics and that I'm not going to be sat here scamming vendors for a quick buck.

I also don't have time for shit like this, I'm working on many things to expand the Dread network and we handle a lot of things that go on here that most will never even know about, you should know that I've had everyone's backs many times and prevented a lot of really shitty situations.
I wouldn't risk my reputation on stupid shit like was depicted here for such a minimal taking now would I? The majority of this is just wrong assumptions from something I now regret even involving myself in, but as far as I know the vendor's have all resolved the issues mentioned now anyway.
one or more assumed it was a ploy by myself, that sentiment grew as they each contacted each other as far as I know, I literally wasn't even online to be aware of this.
if I was to run a market or similar not only would there be forced encryption, but it would have to be XMR only. I don't agree with the use of auto encrypt even if it is to assist new users, they should be taught, not spoon fed.

HugBunter claims Winstonwolf is confused about the whole situation. He says all he did was refer WinstonWolf to Ghost:

He (WinstonWolf) was referred and wrongly assumed. That referral also had to expose their original alias for credibility which they understood they cannot expose. The whole reason this became a problem is because I wasn't online when they had a problem and they assumed my referral was some scam attempt, when in reality I had no other involvement.
He's (Ghost) trusted under another alias (...) His reputation has shown that he has been able to operate monetary services without issues and also shut them down without exiting. That doesn't say he couldn't choose to do this in the future, but its the same as trusting market admins, who always abuse my trust too. It is worth nothing that the majority of stores I have saw are stores that did not come from my recommendation, vendors I personally haven't heard of.

Despite these claims, HugBunter provides public relations for Ghost. When an issue with the vendor stores arises, HugBunter reassures users that he has spoken to Ghost and that everything is fine:

Can confirm Ghost did contact us to tell us he needed to take all of the servers down and his reasoning is valid. Will stay in contact with him and try to oversee things.
He (Ghost) is good and I trust in his technical knowledge, but it would be wrong for me to give recommendations of anyone and of course I could never guarantee he wouldn't exit scam so it was a poor decision and I decided to not involve myself further. I can confirm though he contacted us yesterday and explained what was happening, will try to oversee things today if I have time.

Although HugBunter claims WinstonWolf is mistaken, many other popular vendors have stated that HugBunter was the user creating their stores:

More vendors.

Even after HugBunter's claims, WinstonWolf still stated that HugBunter was the user creating his store.

One vendor, NextGeneration, posted his full year long private conversation with HugBunter:

The conversation:

NextGeneration's conversation with HugBunter

The conversation documents HugBunter's process of creating the stores. Starting from 12th October 2022 and ending on 18th August 2023.

The store's footer:

1 prominent user and 2 vendors have privately confirmed to me that Ghost is HugBunter.

Vendors and Funds Affected

30+ vendors were sold stores by HugBunter. Vendor Freestate_EU, who was sold a store, estimates HugBunter was paid $300,000 in total for the stores.

Freestate_EU's post.
We, like many other veteran vendors decided to conduct business with ghost commerce to host our vendor shop.

Us, like many other veteran vendors paid around 250k on the conservative side and up to 300k(total payment from all vendors)

Yes, that's quarter million!!!

Ghost is alternative username of a known community member, this is the ONLY reason many veteran vendors decided to conduct business with him, before this whole fiasco, ghost had 1 post/comment attached to his profile, it was generic info about his shops. I repeat we and many other conducted business with ghost on the premise of his trustworthiness from the main account(which we are not allowed to make public, understandably) Ghost commerce proved this tie to us managing the shops in subtle ways(enough of this tie)

After chatting with ghost for 2-3 weeks about details, we were promised up time of 4 years for total payment of 10k.

Initially you would need to fork out 2.5k, thereafter 7.5k, our personal agreement with ghost was as the following:

2.5k, get shop
1 month uptime, another 2.5k
3 month uptime, rest payment 5k.

Ghost accommodated this payment structure wish with us.

We paid 5k in total and our shop was online less than 2 months before it got taken down.

Other vendors had different structures, some paid 10k upfront, but everyone made payments of several thousand dollars for a product that was supposed to last at least 4 years.

Ghost claim this is not exit scam since no escrow was stolen, but the whole point of vendors having their own shops was to remove the risk of escrow ever getting stolen, this excuse is mute.

Ghost claim he will offer a solution in a week(4 weeks ago) but there have been no communication from ghost beside a lengthy post that basically provided a lot of details about nothing.

Ghost claim since no escrow was stolen, no harm to vendors, even though most paid 10k and 5k payments for shops that lasted mere months, in our case less than 2 months.

Ghost claim he did not make any money on those shops that he did it out of good will and actually lost money on the project

Ghost claim he paid all our payments upfront for server cost, up to 300k... for this amount of money you could build a server farm!!!!

I have left out some details provided to us to not compromise private communication and only posted things which have been publicly stated and added context.

Ghost claimed only a handful of shops had issues and the majority got taken down as pre-caution, Ghost promised to solve this problem to the best of his ability(when the issue (arrived) later Ghost said he would provide us with options in about a week(4 weeks ago) and that he prefer another option(unknown option, as no details have been provided, only that the one with details was not his preferred option) instead of the one offered. The option with details was basically broke the agreements vendors had with him, which included hosting a static page with our contact details.

HOWEVER I am now reading posts claiming ghost have abandoned this project and closed it, since no escrow was lost, no harm(forget the quarter million taken for product not delivered, that's apparently pocket change)

We were in the process of building our brand through our new shop, we hired new employees & attained stock to support this project only for it to be cut short before it started, now we are stuck in limbo with employees getting frustrated due to lack of work, our stock is starting to deteriorate, worst case, some of our employees are starting to look for other work, basically destroying our whole project... but we are apparently supposed to be happy since no escrow was stolen.

When we chatted with ghost, he explicitly told me that only 1-2 spots were left for these shop and that he would not be able to accept more people, but after I boarded, at least 5-10 new shops were opened, some of these vendors had their shops for less than 1 week before being taken down...

All in all, this is a hot mess which involves a lot of money, affecting the vein of the community(vendors) in a very bad way.

IMO Ghost should improve his communication with paying customers
Ghost should provide a solution to the current situation that satisfy his paying customers

We are no reaching 2 months soon with downtime and vendors who paid for this product are not happy at all!


This post has now been edited, and all the information removed, at the request of "Ghost":

I edited the post at the request of the operator who was pretty mad and cursed me out.

Freestate_EU's store was priced at $10,000, which came with a guarantee of at least 4 years of uptime. He paid $2,500 initially and then another $2,500 after 1 month of uptime. If the store had reached the 3 month uptime mark, he would of paid another $5,000. They were not cheap, which was even acknowledged by the store's promotional post.

Other vendors had different payment structures:

some paid 10k upfront, but everyone made payments of several thousand dollars for a product that was supposed to last at least 4 years.

Currently all the stores are offline, though "Ghost" is still online. He claims to have spent all the money on servers:

All setup costs paid to servers this was not for making money i lost money to this project.

The stores have been offline for 2 months.

The vendors paid thousands for their stores. In return they got 2 months of uptime, followed by 2 months of downtime and no refund. Despite all this, "Ghost" claims:

I did not do to anything wrong

Many vendors have publicly stated that they feel "Ghost" scammed them:

More vendors.

Some vendors have publicly vented their frustration with HugBunter:

These posts and comments are now erased.

Censorship of the Situation

Before continuing, it's important to have a basic understanding of how deleted comments are handled on Dread. When a comment is deleted it appears as:

This process allows people to see that a comment was made, but it's content is deleted.

Nearly every comment linking HugBunter to Ghost doesn't follow this process. Instead they are completely erased from the platform. HugBunter claims:

If a comment is erased it can only be done by request of the author when they want their removed comment to not be associated to their username

These are just a few of the censored comments:

More comments.

These are, apart from the comment that HugBunter claims "was asked to be erased by the author", comments from authors who didn't request erasure. Even comments from deleted accounts, which can't request erasure.

HugBunter claims that no censorship occurred, and that a single comment was erased, which resulted in the child comments below it to be erased:

They weren't top level comments, otherwise I would see them in the log. The only erased comment is a top level comment which shows 13 sub comments were under it, which means the other comments would have been part of that reply chain.

This isn't the case. Every mention of HugBunter in Ghost's announcement post has been erased by Dread staff.

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

HugBunter responded:

I held Ethan to a higher standard, pushing FUD for his own agenda, whatever that may be, is fucking crazy. He could have quite easily messaged me if he felt there was any truth behind this so I could quite easily clear it up.

Ghost is someone who has been around in the community for a long time and has the technical knowledge to run a platform of this caliber, as well as I trust in his morals enough that I believed he would be an ideal candidate to be running shops for vendors. Initially when vendors asked me, I vouched in this same way, which I later retracted as I shouldn't be vouching for anyone regardless of what I believe, I don't know their true intentions.

- From what I have saw, vendors were paying $2500 for 6 months of hosting, he also offered a 10k package which would pay off the hosting for multiple years, the majority were paying in 6 month periods, so only a handful of vendors lost a 10k total to their servers. He took the shops down after reaching out with an issue he was experiencing and the recommendation was to do as he has, it was the best option and he hasn't publicly discussed the details of them issues as of yet. The shops were taken down with all vendors paid out for their orders, so no one lost any funds from the closure itself, they are only out money from what they put into their servers. Now for him to solve this, he needs to replace their servers, which I believe he is still in the process of doing and I've read messages as well as spoke to vendors directly, where he has updated them infrequently on this.

At this moment in time, I believe him to be working on getting the shops restored, so no one would be out of money as well as he had offered them part solutions to help them up until that point.

To not only suggest that I am Ghost, but also to post a news article to try and dox someone by linking their separate alias' says a lot to me here. Especially when it is factually incorrect that anyone was scammed. I'll be the judge of that and would be making a write up as I always do on every situation, if it appears he cannot or will not solve this.

Any comments wiped were what I set up in a cron because the same user or group of users were also pushing this FUD. Something tells me it may have been you making these comments Ethan, considering you kept a good record of them immediately. FUD is against the platform rules and when it is a targetted attack clearly being utilized for an ulterior motive, it will be wiped, as has been the case with any similar attacks directly against individual users or markets. This is not censorship, I allowed these same discussions to run rampant many times and they were never removed, knowing it wasn't true and simply responding to it to clear it up, but there's a point where I'm not going to spend my day doing that as these attacks on me continue.

Vendor's coming to a consensus once one accused me of being Ghost and convinced others of the possibility is a conspiracy out of control at this point, but its also one I understand from the outside. I'm still here and still overseeing everything I can. I make mistakes, its not the first time and it won't be the last. I've involved myself now in this situation unfortunately and I will keep an eye on how it pans out from here, but I always hold my hands up when an apology is due and this is not the time for it.

I will incorporate his response into the article soon.

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Yeah you just lost all credibility. Feel free to message me to understand what you are looking at better.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

@HugBunter you scam people everyone is seeing it nigger

Fri, Dec 6, 2024


archetyp thug
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

> Ignores all the evidence

> Calls it fud

> Logs off

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

But it isn't evidence... I understand why vendors came to the conclusions on this and me referring and assisting Ghost when he started to launch the stores was more involvement than I ever should have, which is why I completely retracted everything, it was a lapse in judgement.

As mentioned in another comment, if I was to launch stores again, it would once again be under my own name and they'd be a lot better quality than the output I saw from Ghost. There would be nothing to hide. In any case, if this was an alias of mine, no one got scammed, their shops are currently down as he needs to launch new servers and nothing more. No funds from the shop were stolen.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Are you retarded HugBunter? No one claims that escrow was stolen cryptojuu. If someone sells a service like a vendorstore that is supposed to be online for 4 years, it should be online for 4 years and not 3 months. You know this but choose to not acknowledge this, this shit is going on for months. Fucking scammer.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

sign your comments or fuck off

Fri, Dec 6, 2024


Well no shit, that is the actual problem at hand. Scamming would suggest intention, that is not the case here. The fact that he is working to get them up again means the shops will be restored, which while it isn't in any way ideal or acceptable, it wasn't that he wanted the shops to be offline, they needed to be and at this point I believe that is temporary. If and when I believe it isn't, I'd be the first person to discuss that. It also isn't going to be easy for him to restore them so there is no blame there.

I am not signing the comments because they get sent for approval or outright removed I don't know. If you want to verify any comments, feel free to message me on Dread.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Come one, we are not retarded we know it does not take MONTHS to launch a hidden service. If he had to start from scratch it's at most a week worth of time but even that is very generous.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

heard of a pastebin @HugBunter? sign them in one

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

The year development cycle was absolutely absurd, there is no disagreement there and he provided what may have just been excuses, but it did appear to be a completely custom system at the very least. Originally he told me he would spend 6 months on the development and I assume he told the vendors the same or similar. He sent the demo link to me ~8 or 9 months from my original discussions with him and the rest of the time was supposedly bug testing/fixing, again shouldn't take that long under any circumstance. That is not nearly the biggest issue here when they did receive them, albeit very late.

I think many of you are missing that I agree with the sentiment on things that have happened with Ghost, however, the key things are that he hasn't scammed anyone, even if he does disappear now it would be because he can't physically solve it, which is understandable in the circumstances, but I believe he will. I would consider it a scam if he doesn't do everything possible to just get them up and running again. But aside from this, this user is NOT an alias of mine, if it was then this shit would have been solved, hell, it would never have occurred.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

@HugBunter top tier larp

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

> Ignores all the evidence

> Calls it fud

> Logs off

Ultra Rape Diddy
Mon, Dec 9, 2024

The sheer depravity of this is nauseating; it's disgusting on every level. And this is coming from me, who brutally raped minors in the butthole over and over again. Thank God I'm only a child rapist.

Ultra Rape Diddy
Mon, Dec 9, 2024

I may be a brutal child rapist, but even I recognize the simple rules of language: a question ends with a question mark.

Is Dread Administrator, HugBunter, Scamming Vendors as Ghost ??????

Ethan, let's work on your headline together. Please consider:

Mon, Dec 9, 2024

E is hugbunter who is ghost who is john mccaffee whose not dead!

**head explodes**

Tue, Dec 10, 2024

Some of the comment by vendors are now modified. HugBUTTer is trying to hide this miss

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

tell me it isnt true huggy 🥹️

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

It isn't. I posted a signed comment and yet it got hidden it seems.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

jk, it's true i scammed them all, stupid vendor jewniggers

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

It's true.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

All vendor send me BTC 3JzA1VEozvNSBAozCJWRj9Ny3A48A9nUy3 for BIGGER BETTER BULLETPROOF servers

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

did you just dox your wallet that is linked to an exchange......

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

@youIdiot Shut up nerd

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

We should all remember that no matter how trusted a person is, we must always remain skeptical.

stay safe!

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

oh fuck

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

The gang was here

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024


Dead Cop
Sat, Dec 7, 2024


Mon, Dec 9, 2024 MF!

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Today..... We have come together. In unison we will identify then locate Hugbunter. If they are ghost we will demand payments through any means available. This is our promise. We forgave once and forgot 20 times. But always do things. We are coming (really)

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

My comments are being censored here it seems?

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

They are not you dirty nigger

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

I just noticed this site has a bullshit filter. All my manipulative lies are shadowbanned. This is really bad Ethan and I held you to a higher standard than that.

I do all of this for the love of it man.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

you are so unethical for posting this. true or not

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024


Fri, Dec 6, 2024

> exposes scammer

> unethical

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

No one got scammed, this is the equivelant of a market getting seized and claiming the market admin scammed everyone. Ghost is also still active and trying to get the shops back online, albeit no reply for a few days now.

My involvement was minimal and I previously ran vendor stores, if I had the time to do it again I'd proudly do so under my own name, it would serve no purpose to me to go with another name. But even if this was the case, the controversy that is being depicted here is quite obviously not what happened, everyone got their shops and the majority were running for 8 months maybe? Not what he promised, but them being down is not by choice but necessity. He hasn't disappeared as of right now and has promised he will relaunch them.

You missed these key details out of the article intentionally, this is simply an attack directly against me.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Why did you look the dread post and scream censorship if he pinned your comment here? What do you hide?

Fri, Dec 6, 2024


The ShinyFlakes user is a new Dread account, who ignored when Ghost pointed out that he never was a vendor who had a shop with him, fud account.

shoresteinpapier I spoke with and he misunderstood the server payments Ghost had outlined to him, since it wasn't 10k per year for a shop, what Ghost had offered was that they can pay off multiple years on the hosting if they wished because it would work out cheaper, which is true with any hosting. He told me that he also only paid a small amount, not 10k. This comment he made was before he had spoke with Ghost for an update and was left in the dark like a lot of vendors until I told Ghost he needed to log back into Dread and actually face the vendors.

Clockwerk's comment is in line with what actually happened and I believe Clockwerk was one of the original shops Ghost launched, so he probably had his shop for 8 months before they had to be taken down. The shops aren't gone permanently... that is the point here, they haven't lost their shops.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

wonder who made this post LOL

Fri, Dec 6, 2024


Genuinely wasn't me, but someone who can clearly see that there is an ulterior motive here.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

ShinyFlakes was not mentioned anywhere FAKE HUG

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

ShinyCrystals, I apologize for mis-naming.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Put me in the screenshot <3 Age of Aquarius

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Age of Aquarius <3

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Doxxing someone and looks like vendors didnt even get scammed? This post stinks.

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

I missed the part where ethan dropped hugs social security number

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

HugBunter you can't fool the darknet man we know what's up

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Clearly you can if you believe this shit, it goes both ways and shows how dangerous FUD can be.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

give the vendors back their money

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

What money? While I have no way to confirm it, I'm confident their funds were in fact paid into their server hosting, I also have no way to confirm if or how much commission he took from that payment. They also get the worth of that if and when Ghost restores their stores.

Any vendors affected by this I have been liasing with and the vendors who I had backed Ghost to I have credited with Dread Ad credit as an apology on my behalf.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

just give it back already

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

get a load of the npcs who comment on dread lmao, how many vendors made public posts about getting scammed and hug being involved? total npc death

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

My Huggy? No no no he is a good boy he wouldn't do this

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

they are all hugbunter

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Oh shit, this is bad. I was planning to order a shop from Ghost

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

holy fuck he scammed half a million easy bet

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Hugbunter Lawyer
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Don't comment on that.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Didn't though

HugBunter Dad
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

my huggy, explain the conversation with nextgeneration my sweet child

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Hugbunter Lawyer
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Don't answer that.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

/u/Ghost has been changed to /u/HugBunter because he bought into the conspiracy that I was Ghost when he hadn't received his shop and Ghost wasn't responding to even me. Notice how that content was never removed and still isn't, its in the post queue automatically as with any post in /d/Dread I privately messaged him to state that it wasn't me once I saw the notification from the /u/ mentions, but never removed it. My conversation history with NextGeneration was empty when I messaged him regarding this.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

@HugBunter 🤣️🤣️🤣️🤣️🤣️🤣️🤣️

Fri, Dec 6, 2024


Believe me, I felt stupid even typing that, if I was going to come up with an excuse, then I would come up with something convincing but he made this post during multiple vendors discussing the possibility of me being Ghost. If I was going to go through the trouble of creating a new alias, I would not be messaging them as HugBunter now would I.

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

I'm a faggot btw

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Hourglass Mom and Dad
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

We have known for a while. Have a seat

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Hash: SHA512

This actually made my day LMAO 

It's actually me this time, check my sign


Fri, Dec 6, 2024


/u/HugBunter A ssassin 2 points

1 hour ago

I posted a signed comment there to call him out on this and it got censored. So I will post it here and lock this topic, I'm so tired of this same discussion, even the parts about Ghost and the whole situation are factually incorrect.


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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

yes , this lil nigga hug is a bitch .. bitch

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Welcome to The Tor Times

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Age of Pisces

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024


Sat, Dec 7, 2024

> Pisces

more like yall a bunch of bitches

doesnt matter
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

HugBunter can you please sign your comments and the response that ethan has posted?

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doesnt doesnt matter
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

everything except what ethan posted is not hugbunter

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

That is not true, it's all me rat

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

Also cant trust ethans post because it is not signed by Hug

Sat, Dec 7, 2024



Sat, Dec 7, 2024


ahh thx. also saw signed post on his profile on dread. thank you

Hourglass Hater
Fri, Dec 6, 2024
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Hourglass Public Defender
Fri, Dec 6, 2024

We should cut a deal

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

Hash: SHA512

This actually made my day LMAO 

It's actually me this time, check my sign


Sat, Dec 7, 2024

That was actually true; one vote from my old (now deleted) account. Which responsability I did assume publicly and I still do now

Sat, Dec 7, 2024


alts plural

Sat, Dec 7, 2024


Ask staff, already talked about this. Singular

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

once manipulator always manipulator nigger

Fri, Dec 6, 2024

You fuck with niggers you get burnt

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Fri, Dec 6, 2024

lets be real , it's not FUD hug really scammed us , thinking back to all the exit scam drama shit around dread where I suspected dread helped markets ... looks like they play the wrong team

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

The AlphaBay (2.0) fiasco is the most telling. Dread mysteriously goes down for months, leaving the perfect time for DeSnake to snake away funds.

Remember when Incog exited and HugBunter posted an excerpt from Pharoah, where he stated "Clean dread or dread downtime for a week" or something like that? Now why would Pharoah get that idea? Possibly because HB has done similar for other markets. You don't just openly bribe somebody like that.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I wanted the site up, one of the most stressful periods of my life, DS took advantage of that downtime when he knew we had no recourse to get back up and running. Other markets could have also done the same in that time. He got that idea because of his ego and believing stupid conspiracies such as this, he thought I was corrupt and would accept a bribe from him. He was wrong and that would never happen.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

@HugBunter fair enough. can you explain why the conversation about shop dev was through you and not directly to ghost? the conversation with nextgen is what I am referring too.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024


It wasn't my conversation, if I were to create a new alias, I wouldn't be discussing it as Hug, the messages in the screenshot are a text paste, appropriately replacing the username during the start of this conspiracy. I directly assisted Ghost with his setup recommendations based on Paris' work on the Dread infrastructure and passed messages back and fourth when he had issues too as his setup for the shops still needed to be vastly different in terms of isolation and networking.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

/u/Ghost is femboy_destroyer69

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

When the Ghost situation went down, he first threw Paris under the bus claiming he was the one being manipulated by DeSnake. A little later, Paris suddenly started cleaning up years of years of stupid vendor ads Dread consists of to 90 %. Whoooopsers, we deleted stuff we shouldn't have deleted. Reach out so we can restore it from a backup if you want.

How convenient this all his. Someone finally take that nigger down.

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I'm sorry, I'm Ghost and I scammed y'all!

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

This is strange. I really want to believe that this is FUD entirely, but something is off.

If HB isn't Ghost, then he really needs to explain why all of the shop development conversations are going through him. That makes absolutely no sense. If he truly only "vouched" why is the vendor being updated on the process of the shop dev from HugBunter and not Ghost?

The conversation with NextGeneration is the most suspicious piece of evidence. What's even more strange is the general response from HugBunter regarding this matter. In other instances he has been all about "integrity" and "transparency", warning users about exitscams and other nefarious behavior - sometimes before shit truly hits the fan. However in this situation he seems extremely guarded and closed off, refusing to provide any details on the situation other than "Ghost is handling it". Handling what?

I've always been a huge fan of Dread. I purchased premium recently, it being the only paid online "subscription" I have ever in my life spent money on - because I truly believe that the platform is worth it.

I'm disappointed with this story. I've been around for a while and remember when these accusations first arose. I first thought how silly it sounded. I really really do not want to believe that this is true, however the conversation with NextGeneration unfortunately solidifies the feeling that something is off here.

The real question though, is why? Just why?

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

No shop conversations went through me, that is the point. Any of the referenced comments were in response to someone asking me for confirmation if something was true, such as Ghost claiming to contact me/Dread, I confirmed it. I also clarified when asked any of the info that I had saw or was relayed to me.

Even if it was me, no one was scammed so there would be no issue here, the reason I am here defending myself is because this has spiralled from FUD started by a single vendor over a year ago, claiming my vouch for Ghost was because I am Ghost.

The reason I have said "Ghost is handling it" or anything similar is because it is not my place to discuss the full details of what has occurred because its a sensitive matter. It is Ghost's job to publish that if and when he feels he needs to, the important thing was that he updated vendors, they are the only people who needed this information. The conversation with NextGeneration has the username modified in the pasted text, if I was to be using an alias, I would not be discussing through HugBunter. These accusations were part of a targetted attack from the same user under many alias' and spurred vendors into it also. There is also the majority of vendors who publicly stated they did not believe me to be Ghost, but that wouldn't be good for the agenda here now would it.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024


If that conversation isn't you, how did the person know about daunt beforehand?

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

@ethan Because that was something I discussed with Ghost as well as vendors regarding how they could promote shops on Dread and I promised that any vendors who were well established would have no issue being able to be listed as I trusted the shops would remain stable. Again, if you contact me, as you should have, if you wanted to write an actually informed article on the subject, you'd understand the full extent of this.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

The real question though, is why? Just why?


Sat, Dec 7, 2024

ok so, new here at pitch, but not the DW in general, and deffffffinitely not to crime and the more...wild side of life/humans.

from the, "fuck em. i choose the money" POV: why wouldn't he? like, first of all, there'd never be any like REAL consequences. no jail. it seems to be a consistant thing, like, not just hittin 1 lick for some money, like it seems as though he just steady makes more and more, and what man would willingly turn off "running water" so to speak?

the only way anyone ever would know, is posts like these. "i think i got ripped off by so and so". to the average user, that doesnt like, just actually even know who hugbunter is (i just bareeeeely recognized the name, so i clicked), they would just see this post under some dw news article, and ontop of some new marketplace announcement, followed by 2 more scam posts. like in other words, it's not even that click-baity unless you just are a veteran and Know the name.

he literally has access and the power to like, delete comments as well? or did i misunderstand that part? i mean if that's true, literally even the more "straight-arrow" criminals would do it too.....if u can delete and deny and promise long enough to successfully force all users to know and believe that hugbunter and ghost are 2 seperate people, then you just gotta say sorry, ugh i feel bad cuz im th eone that referred yall to him....thats my bad yall....i mean the best and will do my best to overview the situation......when i have the time to get online.... i mean thats just like, textbook shit youd say irl when u set someone up but don't want them to hate YOU, just the guy that "actually" robbed them, n you "only" referred them to him.

now, from the "maybe he's doing his best. trying and grinding hard" POV

i don't know too much about creating or making sites, all the knowledge i have of that were from all my SOC/pentester/bug hunting training, etc. but from what i DO know, that i mean yeah, if 1 human was expected to code, and set up and everything a site that was paid for, i mean, it kinda makes sense that it'd take a good minute.

and THAT^^^^^ right there, is why it's beautiful, and the perect money maker for him,

theres some quote or something where someone says the best lies has a sprinkle of truth in em, and this is like, i guess an example.

he can get paid, and, not receive the first complaint for like months, reply with how hard and time consuming it is, promise a new timeline, all the while in the meantime, collecting mooney, deleting comments, trying to keep up the respect in the community, etc etc.

its the kinda hustle you can do both tbh. he could literally just, if he felt like it, serve a fwe orders, get em up for a few months, and then not mess with em ever again, and here and there throw out lil snacks to the custos

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I did apologize for the vouch and retracted it, made sure vendors understood how far that went and that I was never guaranteeing anything other than knowing of his technical ability, which I knew they understood already, it was the public misconceptions that tried to paint that in a different light. As for overseeing it, I'm fucking busy, I'm using time here right now rather than focusing on things that matter, I gave Ghost advice on what he should do with the situation because he had little options, I couldn't spend the whole day awaiting an update from him, I was around when he did reply again later so oversaw it completely and his discussion with vendors. With the development he was way past the timeframe he promised, he still delivered but with large gaps in communication, my messages to him went unanswered for weeks at a time, all with the same promises again and again. No comments were deleted regarding any issues, just added Automod rules when it became a FUD parade all from seemingly the same user trying to push this narrative, which is common practice whenever this occurs against anyone, not just myself. There is a point where I'm wasting too much time responding and clearing it up, only for the same user to create a new throwaway and continue with the same comments that have already been publcily responded to and that is all that was.

> and then not mess with em ever again

See this is where it is wrong and why there isn't a real issue in the long run, right now I believe he will relaunch the shops, assuming he physically can, that is yet to be seen. But no one has been scammed as such, they may feel scammed and I would too in their situation because they've lost money currently with not having their shop. But its with good reason that the shops are down, however its going to be a hard process for him to restore them now and that is why we are 2 months on with them still being offline.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

@HugBunter dude i'd say fuck these people.., never endorse Tor Times/ Ethan again, and keep working on Recon

Sat, Dec 7, 2024


Oh for sure, I've wrongly assumed intentions once again, easily done, but this is the last time. I didn't put all of the work into this community to be hit with FUD attacks after trying to assist people.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

You guys are nothing but retarded. Tor Times publishes a story which is worth a story. Now actually acting salty about all this really makes me believe it's true.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

fuck.. we really need a different news source for tor drama. this shit is fud to the max. can someone out there please create an unbiased tor news site? or is that to difficult lol wow

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

How is it FUD if multiple vendors all state the same? There were countless posts on dread that all got shutdown by the administration.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

oy vey we need (((unbiased news)) from ((experts)) bad goy tortimes exposing hugbunter

Sun, Dec 8, 2024

Posts were NOT shut down on Dread. All the original posts when this conspiracy started, I responded to and they were never removed. The vendors came to the conclusion together that it must be me when Ghost didn't respond to them for several weeks. This was over a year ago and the posts remained, there was nothing to hide. The only things removed were when the same one or 2 users continued to post the same, multiple times, daily. It was a targetted FUD attack.

Tue, Dec 10, 2024

@HungBunter so you admit to conspiring in a conspiracy?

Tue, Dec 10, 2024

@HugBunter so you admit to conspiring in a conspiracy?

HugBunter aka Ghost
Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I'm a cracker! Ofcourse I scammed those vendors.

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

Send me more money for my servers niggers!

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

HugㅤㅤBunter responded:

This is absolutely true and based. I take white aryan BWㅤC cock up my arse like a young bri'ish twiㅤnk boy. WHITE LIVES MATTER and by the way niggㅤers and jeㅤws and turkㅤroaches and mudㅤslimes and chㅤinks and goㅤoks lost. I will preserve the whㅤite race by killing another gㅤay jeㅤwish CEO. Be warned.

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HugBunter Lawyer
Sat, Dec 7, 2024

How much do we need to pay for getting this removed?

HugBunter Son
Sat, Dec 7, 2024

Dad what's going on

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I'm saving the darknet son shut up

HugBunter Son
Sat, Dec 7, 2024

Dad I'm hungry. Scam more vendors so we can afford bread

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

WTF /hugbunter = /paris are the same for me. Both scammers for creating Scripts and markets in clearnet & darknet. For creating subdreads they have been asking bribes and unfailr for everyone.

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

ethan = hugbunter = paris = desnake

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I hope the NSA found them!

Adolf Hitler
Sat, Dec 7, 2024

They better don't hide in the same VW factory in Argentina as I do. Don't need the unnecessary heat from these niggers.

Sun, Dec 8, 2024

Unironically, I do believe that Paris and HugBunter are not different. It's a clever trick.

Sun, Dec 8, 2024


The thought crossed my mind before, having a fall guy to blame when shit gets uncovered ... yeah it was him not me, I talked with him ... and repeat

Wed, Dec 11, 2024

Paris, HugBunter, DeSnake, Pahroah are all the same person who is wheelchair bound with wheelchair mounted screen and keyboard and researching opsec 25 hours per day.

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I have been scamming people for life. Nothing new their so don't get surprised. We are all in it. Since all of have been screwing the gov and other folks. This topic will fade within a week so don't give me bad press since I own dread I will ban you or your market or sub-dread. So choose your words wisely. I m the Elon Musk of darknet assholes. So if you want to be in dread pay/ donate fuckers!

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

i have small peepee

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DeSnake BWC Supporter
Sat, Dec 7, 2024

DeSnake here, BWC won.

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

and nothing will change

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

because all the retards eat the shit of hug up all the time... there is no alternative forum really so they all cope hard

Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I'll send this article to MentalOutlaw.. HUGBUNTERRRRRRR VIDEO???

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Sat, Dec 7, 2024

I just think this HugBunter guy might not have our best interest in mind

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Sun, Dec 8, 2024


Sun, Dec 8, 2024

The good old darknet drama. I have been waiting for something like this for a while. *grabs popcorn*

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Mon, Dec 9, 2024

This is gasoline for the "darknet youtubers"

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Sam Bent
Tue, Dec 17, 2024

I will murder you.

Mon, Dec 9, 2024

The crimes Hugbunter has committed against white people is huge.

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Tue, Dec 10, 2024

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Tue, Dec 10, 2024

because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.

Craig from craigslist
Tue, Dec 10, 2024

Dread admins, welcome to troll central. Keep checking back daily to defend your reputation.

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Tue, Dec 10, 2024

@HugBunter I will get you to agree to gay sex in front of a woman and tell her your a faggot after you walk away.

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Tue, Dec 10, 2024

So is he, or not? I am confused.

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Tue, Dec 10, 2024

Is he Ghost? Yes

Is he scamming? Debatable. After this article I doubt Hug will scam but he will probably make the vendors wait months for a refund or their shops back

Wed, Dec 11, 2024

Got you fools again. hahaha


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Wed, Dec 11, 2024

i am hugbunter AMA

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Wed, Dec 11, 2024

I sucked your dick in the wendy's parking lot last thursday, when are you gonna paypal me to $15 you promised me?

Wed, Dec 11, 2024

I want you to be my slave. Do you prefer to by a bitch or gimp?

HugBunter Son
Wed, Dec 11, 2024

where are u dad

Thu, Dec 12, 2024

Why are WHITE PEOPLE the supreme race?

Thu, Dec 19, 2024

Hash: SHA512

The closest any race (or rather ethnicity) has come to being the supreme race were probably the jews
Just think about it, they were so good that people got so jealous that they committed a genocide against them
Yall see anti-Semites, I see sore losers!


Thu, Dec 12, 2024

HugBunter might be 75% working with FEDs? Rember how Alpha02, Incognito admin got caught!?

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Thu, Dec 12, 2024

ayo this is crazy shit right here wonder how its gonna go

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Fri, Dec 13, 2024

Reply if your a huge faggot

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Fri, Dec 13, 2024

Hash: SHA512

This actually made my day LMAO 

It's actually me this time, check my sign


Sat, Dec 14, 2024

Ok yall got me! I admit.... I am Ghost

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Sat, Dec 14, 2024

Can't belive

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Sun, Dec 15, 2024

Ethan, nigger!

Fuck off.

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Sun, Dec 15, 2024

irc ist down HOST EY HILFEEEE

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HugBunters Penis
Mon, Dec 16, 2024

Hold me, I feel really small.

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Greed Corrupts Kids
Mon, Dec 16, 2024

HugBunter is a human being who shits and pisses like all of us. His ego fed by pride and vanity has turned him into something very different than he originally was. He is all about the $$$ and I wouldn't be surprised if he is CI and involved in much more shenanigens on the DN than we can imagine. DREAD needs competition like a cloned alternative because he is not a trustworth individual anymore and nothing good will come from him here on out as his soul has been infected by greed. I can share something that I'm not going to because it would show shit on some users that are legit and hardworking who have my respect (other than getting addcited to meth). HugBunter is a member of the tribe and probably donates 10% of his earnings a month to some zionist operation! The 5 families will find the hook nose in due time. He really used to be a good dude and it sucks he is such a power bottom cuck fuck for the sheckels!

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we CEOk in this bitch
Tue, Dec 17, 2024

the tide is turning fellas!

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free luigi real one
Tue, Dec 17, 2024

we should unite and free this blessed man !

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Wed, Dec 18, 2024

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Wed, Dec 18, 2024

No tortimes links on dread in one month?

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Sat, Dec 21, 2024

Hug is working direct wif da pheds and always has LOL. Fuck him and fuck dread and fuck everyone who jacks off to that bull shit.

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Sat, Dec 21, 2024

Reply if you intend to exit scam with your market

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Sat, Dec 21, 2024

Hash: SHA512

This actually made my day LMAO 

It's actually me this time, check my sign


Sun, Dec 22, 2024


Sun, Dec 22, 2024

I think Ghost is /u/Warwick. Warwick deleted his comments and then his account around the same time all of this was going down.

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Mon, Dec 23, 2024

Unsurprisingly, HugBunter has been completely silent since this happened. Wonder will he ever come back.

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Mon, Dec 23, 2024

Do you all know all your posts at dread have been used to see with your usage of words and word preference to track you all in the clear-net. Since you all act and type similar to the dark-web as in the clear-net. Even your typo errors are the same in the clear-net. So don't use dread to create sub-dread and so on since they dread demanded you to contribute more in dread to create sub-dread which would also be used to track you later by the feds. Good Luck puppets of HugBunter= Paris

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