For the last five days, AlphaBay users have been puzzled over the status of the darknet market after several Reddit users started reporting not being able log in, facing difficulties with 2-FA that were triggered by an expired PGP canary. Users who could log in were not able to generate new XMR deposit addresses, and concerns over the whereabouts of DeSnake are mounting.

AlphaBay remains accessible for users without 2-FA enabled, although a message in the wallet menu of AlphaBay currently displays the following when attempting to generate a new address:
ERROR: Admin must do the monthly canary to enable the signing of deposit addresses/PGP login messages. The error is not critical but please alert us through support ticket if you see this to make sure an administrator signs the monthly canary to prove control of the AlphaBay infrastructure.
According to instructions provided by the market, deposit addresses are only good for two days, suggesting that non-verifiable addresses should not be used at present. As of Friday, Feb. 10th, market users were being presented with unsigned addresses but were being discouraged from making deposits on Reddit and elsewhere until the situation became clearer.
Since its rebirth in August 2021, AlphaBay has gone into a similar lockdown mode upon expiration of DeSnake’s canary at least three times in the past, occurring in July, August, and October of last year. The lockdown prevented users from logging in as the market’s 2-FA system was disabled. DeSnake’s last noticeable absence was in October when he failed to sign in to either AlphaBay or Dread for over three weeks.
The main AlphaBay URL for Tor is unreachable, although private Tor links are working. The market is currently reachable on the I2P network for all users.
My private onion works but after i solve ddos clock puzzle it never goes to login page only 502 timeout error.