A student involved in running a Deutschland im Deep Web arrested in Germany
Published by Ethan on Tue, Jan 3, 2023 | Tagged Arrest, Darknet Market, Germany | 8 Comments

The 22-year-old student had been arrested on October 25. It is said that the student was involved in running a darknet market place specialized for the German speaking countries. The darknet marketplace under the name "Deutschland im Deep Web 3" with a self-given motto "No control, everything permitted", was no news to the authorities, because prior to this, a market that used the same name was seized in 2017.

The Deutschland im Deep Web homepage

This was one of its attempted successor. It is suspected that the 22-year-old student began administrating the marketplace since its opening in 2018. That would make him only 18 years old at the time.

The Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany (BKA) says:

The platform, which had not been accessible to users since March 2022, had around 16,000 registered users, including a total of 72 active traders. This made "Germany on the Deep Web" one of the largest German-language darknet platforms.

One of the Admins of the marketplace, Sudo which probably is also the 22-year-old student, announced at the Dread Forum that a fire in DiDW's data center was responsible for the outage in March 2022. However, the story was met with a disbelief and it was rumored that this was an attempted exit scam. The forums seems to have never recovered since then.

The arrested individual is accused of operating a criminal trading forum, which as per Section 127 of the Criminal Code, involves a sentence of 1 to 10 years. The operator of the previous market, seized in 2017, is said to be sentenced for 6 years in prison by the Federal Court of Justice in Germany (BGH). It's worth noting that the case of previous market was a bit more sophisticated, as the operator was also charged and sentenced with an involuntarily manslaughter.

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Fri, Feb 10, 2023


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Mon, Feb 13, 2023


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Thu, Mar 2, 2023

Waiting for version four,

empires will be no more,

all your actions are in vain,

we replicate like a virus strain.

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Thu, Mar 23, 2023

modern states are a big problem to freedom, these guys up there decide why we do and what we don t do and call it democracy and freedom.an adult should be free doing what he wants if he doesnt hurt intentionally the others

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Thu, May 4, 2023

It was only for germany speeaking languge market but i always think to myself this market site place was all a fake in the depths of the deepweb crap. level where it's in the deepest clearnet idk but the site it's self look shady and boring to be found in the deep ocean. espically when i don't get the fucking languege of what thier saying on their forum.

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Thu, May 18, 2023

мммдаа везде пасут

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Mon, May 29, 2023

hes been doing this since 18? holy shit

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Thu, Jun 8, 2023

Мусора - пид**асы :-)

Интересно, а что в их УК за статья такая за администрирование форума? Section 127 of the Criminal Code, пацик не мог сказать что платформа на самом деле для торговли цветочками, а кто там к ней притесался он не виноват?

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