-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I am sorry I forgot I was on Reddit. A much longer post. The hierarchy of the market is as follows: DeSnake – Owner – Private keys server access, total control TheCypriot – Admin – Runs day to day market and staff when it’s running. Does not have private keys or server access but has most staff authority Tempest – Senior Moderator Amades – Junior Moderator Wxmaz – Junior Moderator EvZen – Junior Moderator Parsed – Scam watch and PR. Incredibly patient normally deals with these types of things but I decided to create an account since this is the longest we have had a lockout. Peke – Forum Moderator I am the admin of the market. I am not the owner. I do not have the power to remove the 2FA lock on the market. There are two canaries for those that bother to read them. You can go to any working .onion link or .I2P link and simply add /canary.txt Canary 1 is a posted PGP signed message you can read and verify. It is signed by DeSnake and is self explanatory if you read it. Canary 2 is a lock on our PGP module which handles all signing and creation of PGP messages. This has a direct impact on any account with 2FA (Staff and vendors mandatory, customers encouraged). You will get an error message saying ERROR: Data signing failed. This means the market is locked because DeSnake has not signed with his PGP key for a month and the market locks down for safety. This has lead to some confusion for people who are willfully ignorant or do not use and understand the way AlphaBay worked. DeSnake signed in the market, put the main back online and I thought signed the PGP lock on 15 January but this is a guess. DeSnake signed into the market on 25 January and signed the text canary and posted it to the market for all to read. How do you verify any of this is real. Well at least that I am who I say I am. You can get my PGP key from many places. Normally I would recommend Dread when it comes back up but anyone with an account that does not have 2FA on it can still log into the market. You can search for my username and see my PGP key. You can verify the signature. If you would like to learn more about PGP you can go here: http://biblemeowimkh3utujmhm6oh2oeb3ubjw2lpgeq3lahrfr2l6ev6zgyd.onion/bible/pgp/ or here reddit.com/r/pgp. For those that love to spread FUD and have extra time on their hands you can say this is a honey pot. The best designed honey pot ever. It is so exclusive we block you from accessing it. The current situation is this: The market main link is down and has been up and down for probably 2 months due to DDOS. You will get this error: Onionsite Not Found Our users who have earned one had private links. This is not working but gives marginally better results. You can get to the DDOS landing page (our clock) but after you solve the challenge you get a 502 timeout error. I2P has been up without DDOS issues. The market had full functionality just no PGP key. You could register an account. You could make and receive a deposit. You could withdraw your balance. Your vendors can not login so there is no reason to do it. Until the 2FA issue is solved with DeSnake logging in, nobody should use the market because it is locked down. If DeSnake comes back and signs the key then you can argue among yourselves if you should use the market or not like any other market. Edit as I type this on 14 February the I2P will not connect for me. With all of this said and a too long explanation. Do not use the market. Easy to say since you can not use the market even if you want to. In my experience over the years this is not LE. Feel free to discuss, many of you will but the signs just are not there. If it is it would be the worst planned and executed LE action in the history of the markets. They didn’t even put up a fancy seizure screen. (Hat tip to the Dutch team for top notch graphics). Doesn’t mean that it wasn’t. In my experience this is not an exit. I mean if it doesn’t come back it would be, but it would be the most poorly planned and executed exit in the history of the markets. Doesn’t mean that it wasn’t. So that is all. We all get to wait and see what happens next and move on with our lives either way. My PGP key: - -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBGEC4FoBEADWWxg2BTF7gGu1dg771jZJS/eW1kFYDaJPn2vWc55TKIpAKBn/ 01gS/oL1EtYrN5ZjxTubArEUFc9iqEFVEl4cuvrSwSiswkdO1FnkS4XO0RoB9e56 +Q1uKDKHYmFPuAV+gdyQzkvmjjexnA/JfMbbHIaLLgvoeJ2nT3XyKxFus8nNP4UU tK9LyWPrGnGq5CYD2gQ0Oz/b0qc5oJGLNBLda4Fdajz1KLisddrNR9vvxvYrKgF/ 5Kk3T34ct7vJkuGQ4rf7CGumGKxGpSjuRoE5tsYA7kFutE00im/UsD0l56lkRU3G Hr3OalF+zlmi1JgXAtXhvViDp9/X8k/I5kHEhAbdEfJx9WlPC2ZH7YK/8O0LGut2 zEsuU2fDEw1xF+keqNfelMUwtYTwiVzJBbBRD8tvUAYOKq08YBa/9iNbu8uEPLlg 7mrTarlT6g3ohZW9viHzqWWsAMoJhScTG99P9HHp+LW8pbeZB3lMkUJ1Qzd2npaD YLClq+7hb6FsDCtXlzOxEmCMoneR5jx5t5EZlYxN8cNiLoTicB8EyXXRyvi1dUOH s7XfL58ry1ob5NBnPht+BVx0u8/jQS/lHOvhbCDh+pi4fowsYyBTg3311ol11pnk rlKoRjsE2wQSbQ9AGM//dujL0BzH1AwUDrYHSMQ/vYGWNKnma4VSsrdonQARAQAB tB9UaGVDeXByaW90IDxhbHBoYWJheTUyMkBuby5jb20+iQJOBBMBCgA4FiEECbIS e1P2U736LWTJtMFk7O3XqtMFAmEC4FoCGwMFCwkIBwMFFQoJCAsFFgIDAQACHgEC F4AACgkQtMFk7O3XqtOx+w//bTTi9GW0nFGgGSJHhJSpjSuBZbYkCrEMAcig8c/W 6r8+UQ/I1bCOQdlH2CXhJ/L0r80awkZQhq2i7wCCETn3tABmFK0t5bZ4U3RMsDyQ jqbF1LjCo6gnjY3C5QMa7UcfwWHaeC0oYZNVK6t65Kkuo6WssV4XocuN2v7VnWj+ l+NzQszJOnflUYZWsKcQ57MmoPARz7pAxY9QytxwqmvnHw3l75dZIJS0LRFJHmWF 6YWswhq/aBl+xdata4CN++dz2U+anrHEsPEN1jqlgHU7ONkYgfRCFEow3TceoFoX tmrxonx5KahB+Pbwzqcx3b0a0LYF/PhdMyfaDtdf7a5D/i72hXXOIOtQdDEYvtXf CgKwuunXgbtBq6jx1B7fZY4C9hqZaBRH/2kbKmwtBzezMhvKvDaIvFXbV4Qxuutb xOlNY+bxahVoGdr5EpK/VdKD0gW1pONNgNW59kwcXRVx5TeqrCgbMWDQpaVqZWwq f7Okm/TLwKsBvZfa20Cm1bhtyNdffgNjUpLjtupIHaVhZpfY2+38k85aPQlG+rjn ZnaL/OtsVcE+7Z3/gkAM2qHdooiu7YUnIwUQp5tUHrNAFGExxwcHjKW0srOG6nkE 6l8f1TcluH0gYdgz42ZENYMJr9F97Myudt9Mvilm/QdRmwocR+JLtaDuntoQncLO kBy5Ag0EYQLgWgEQAO5ALfonCKTczMuEYnsU1XA6ovf9ZVKDCIwdvQUIr5GwdSYi UTos4YPNoSzGlaHXyNVeh1P5BsMM9ie+6e6S6NAA9ScHCzvRfQSOqQZvYe1/xC42 3efUXXbTTZg9RvwXeEuHUU5ddeREt7jeU+nLhiecvIUN5uusfGQHive0qytakT1p VQK7B4fap3Rw9U8o9dgi8S7RjjvPVe2L2jP7mM8E/tmuJcXymWtkt8eCWwE2qE48 FmvTYMapAyiZ+DAD7B46CnFyBoOUZH3qlSBxqB4HlM4usboemCfTnCFxP87Eb0Pw Xlb2Bl1o9pSalVsDAZW8GOxVxecM96pNbvUIkHJlXizuXRliO5jAfJ8REFgEhfly 0zoECAWwAz5GaXoTL7lxtWrKveHwVhSc1j8m64NEafDY18pqy9uPkSZV8jGTHRY+ RF6+CwyeYTFihShc1YjC+GmHHrk41DO1tTzJiK/8vNtt9huEfAO44LhL2SuKK4+a U+SBaPIw8OF23JeIA+gTVzAuWrq1WhvO4B31xTpl/xhUVbu/3Pv/RUJnVI9skPYD pYDWl5krda4Luw+qVHlzwTr4pGN3CkrVZtboqUzdyMozXlLaib7o7XKB3KIc79A3 5gwSBbwIOQRUaQwS9KLS7FUuWPCqHIh5KBiTqp64FI+MbH+tLjRwZ0/usL57ABEB AAGJAjYEGAEKACAWIQQJshJ7U/ZTvfotZMm0wWTs7deq0wUCYQLgWgIbDAAKCRC0 wWTs7deq00njD/4+oHxTlSP+vQY9EgK9ETxPOupZMqQTrX3FIaywXa2zPQF0D/IQ i/SEHh/f2ocA5XwAdN98fmb53cz3fAD8GySjcyg4EMF123Ukk+cd/pF8ET3UufWt PQjJYlJ8wHOtgCTN4nBxIbaAr7RoOlaCf5Yxa9fHEgAk3jdfCB7n8xveGDJ8Dax7 tG1rcPmZPxzF/Fb7U9BefQfCvFeJpN24ROZMg2zZ2Z+zKQfd39vPR5EMPJcyaiJt W3Rgi1LhzgzQH5QwFbAvTnXfGLSgl6iuredQOml0H5gvq2Jfy/h/6vtsJwHyvYq/ uePMZbB/N16zDI+2CHvt/asPa/c76smaGmQfyt5wh7yl31zbEbGdla3unG+lHPKO KQh0wdbIfRt07IaihJ8ceSIVFP/Xaa2CaWKRgawkc45StaQgwh0GrLwk+SoSmr2j R7d9QcwyqZUJvQcRQEMuhiirahWkBXdDqvY9ygU7g/fK805DaGHQqMzXTHrxt1Wl sRkbMyvWcugU3BPjJuIQakO8vMUGN97qEv0xIYRZSB+nlpQK1UVlkvakpK4LfO/4 HQ80MM4Tao7GqTX1Xc4XlWdIonTMnItNNCHAMEWmfZi4DSMWqWJ1g7O0N6QFvELe KgTkuQKgVqSiE0F6LYzJ9qNGCrphPQD94FsiQo77TK3+bxMJkpIIWtPygg== =tCIl - -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQKTBAEBCgB9FiEECbISe1P2U736LWTJtMFk7O3XqtMFAmPq02VfFIAAAAAALgAo aXNzdWVyLWZwckBub3RhdGlvbnMub3BlbnBncC5maWZ0aGhvcnNlbWFuLm5ldDA5 QjIxMjdCNTNGNjUzQkRGQTJENjRDOUI0QzE2NEVDRUREN0FBRDMACgkQtMFk7O3X qtMgpg/8CGIykG2sPwHYpt6hKuBMQaA8HWClPXlsy0K4qz9g9amcAV6zWR8ESCBh idNghjGCRir9hxZ+LC2PaSlsCsd7XcIg/HY9uP14d4Vz0IOtNHppUoxxlJ5k+1r9 1kMMAQB7RIOyrezIe3SGb6YfQJdmHzUvPJFnNFwh9IYOzuC0j6mYcB68af8bJiWz mfGgJY0EH1UBGGbcW3rjRLa7qLrvAERlQcSYGxL3B+Vxvdr3ZMj91YllWn421F/u lE4ZuTb7zSgTY7gZHtl4ZuHGxKPiFKaJ/jZVXL17WNTc2aPtWJoWKg8qAiPBSbYH 7y3j/P/qe2qtO6GTHMdI2KIFzq+pF6+21Hhkq94M4ST2tvRK3dhp1a7hf2rDJb1z /C5GkBiSb+oPQ5c2bxnehkrOJivCNO+i31PVqiKOduPuLqjJfKKWKI5vZ4x3pKz1 HyyleOAoPo7ykzOtqoCnZSmFigc72FnsaQjKy3OXGbP3VNIoIeNNW8x5sGgByefp svnslwlsOwSIdCXRvOnvMTydQmuNA4H0lQJCC+lYrK43EFwyJVEyngcQWD4EgFe1 Yh++uctRlXYiTC0qh21k+6kM0uzSVEKtMHnO02wsILYd0oe3PodVBG1U7/U1zlbh 0Oe5ritgh06dDJkuIjta5ka1DW8mIJnT1/bOSgWdaU+KD0FfvDc= =t09S -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----